Welcome to Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/Shelter, Inc.
Litter box use

  Hi Patti, I understand you have a couple of kits living with you. Perpetual 2 year olds that never grow up, lean mean pooping machines, that think digging in litter is the best thing in the world to keep them happy. They are fun aren't they?
  They are pretty much being ferrets, young ferrets to be sure. You can litter train a ferret but the world is their toilet. I can give you a couple of hints to help keep them from digging in the litter pan but it's not a guarantee. I'm sending along a few links for you to look over maybe that will help. Digging info.
  You want to stay away from pine, or cedar of any kind they both cause respiratory issues, the last thing you need is a hospital veterinarian visit with pneumonia. A square high back litter pan works best, we use them here at the shelter with news papers in them, I've attached a picture of how we do the papers.
  The kind of food you feed has a lot to do with how much the ferrets poop, but keep in mind they have a 4 hour metabolism so they are going to poop far more than a cat or dog does. I've added a link of the foods we use and why. The more grains in the food the more they are going to poop loose stool, they do not have the ability to digest grains so the food will slide through the digestive tract quickly without the ferrets absorbing enough nutrients to solid up the stool.
I hope this helps, if you wish you can contact me anything I am here to help.
Good luck



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